Solid Tube Audio
Everest C3EQ Etna E1TechnikSQ Tubes
Everest C3
  • Inline console with separate monitor and channel path (100 mm Penny & Giles motor fader in channel path, 60 mm Penny & Giles fader in monitor path) completely in tube technologywithout use of any semiconductors in the audio paths 
  • An intelligent safety system monitors all functions, current supplies and temperatures withinthe console and the power packs. Subranges are switched off in the event of an error, e.g. a clogged filter. In this case only individual channels are switched off, and the console itself is still fully operational. 
  • Channel width 40 mm 
  • 32 balanced routing, completely in tube technology 
  • 8 aux send - pre/post, on/off switchable, completely in tube technology  
  • Fivefold full parametric equalizer with high pass filter each channel, "Real bandwidth adjustment", boost/attenuate 20dB, completely in tube technology  
  • Dynamic section each channel with compressor/limiter and noisegate/expander, completely in tube technology  
  • 48 pieces TAB V76/80 microphonepreamp, "The legend lives"  
  • D.I. box switchable on each channel  
  • Microprocessor control (programmable on customer request) for all logic functions (status, solo functions, etc.) 
  • Motor fader automation (on request/different types) 
  • 3 stereo audio subgroups (A,B,C) with fivefold full parametric stereo equalizer and high pass filter, "Real bandwidth adjustment", boost/attenuate 20dB, completely in tube technology  
  • Main Bus (MIX) with fivefold full parametric stereo equalizer and high pass filter, "Real bandwidth adjustment", completely in tube technology  
  • Integrated 10,4" TFT Display in center-section to control computer automation or different sources (video, analyzer, internet etc.)

And more technical details:

  • 2 x external source selector for studio and monitor, each 22 sources, 2 in tube technology 
  • 4 x stereo echo returns with pan und level, completely in tube technology 
  • 8 x aux master with two band shelve equalizer (passive)  
  • Status rec/status mix via microprocessor switchable functions on each channel  
  • Master input flip 
  • Master fader flip 
  • Tape machine control interface 
  • Switch unit to 3 different control room speaker (main/mini/alt), mono, dim, cut and separate level pots 
  • Intelligent  talkback and intercom system for communication/play in between controlroom and recording room (or each musicians) 
  • comfortable Headphone system, especially made for the console, with 8 different sources (via fader) 
  • Integrated oscillator, 6 frequencies, level calibration, level adjustment 
  • Switchcraft TT patchbay 27 x 48 lines and 576 tie lines  
  • Modular construction of the console  
  • Modular construction of the channels and center section, i.e. easy maintenance  
  • Bearing surface for Nearfeald speaker  
  • 2 x designation strips, small/large fader 
  • Power supply, up to 22 meters away from console

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Es benötigt eine "Seele"

Wir haben weit über den Horizont hinaus geforscht, unsere Wahrnehmung analysiert und gezielt in diese Richtung entwickelt. Dabei ist die menschliche Wahrnehmung mit all Ihren Sinnen nur zu einem Bruchteil medizinisch und physikalisch messbar. Trotzdem beruft sich die digitale Technologie dabei auf diese physikalisch messbaren Größen und bleibt aufgrund dessen logischerweise leblos.

Unter der Voraussetzung der musikalischen Qualität besteht ein „Hörerlebnis“ jedoch bei weitem nicht nur aus der einfachen Reduktion eines ultralinearen Frequenzgangs, einer kaum noch messbaren Verzerrung und eines extrem hohen Signal/Störabstands in Kombination mit einem extrem hohen Dynamikumfangs.